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Sometimes you know exactly what you want and how to get it. Other times, you may not have a clue as to how to even start. I've designed the services to be able to suit most people. There is an array of choices for how much you want to investment in time, energy and money.

services include live events such as workshops and seminars around the world, workshop topics include how to improve communication and connection with children as well as discipline and boundaries, learn with a group or staff team with in-person workshops that help early childhood educators learn better techniques with interacting with children's negative behaviour.



There will be online workshops as well as in-person workshops offered through out the year. A variety of topics, lengths of times and locations. Please check our events calendar often.

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coaching sessions are offered online or over the phone, learn a variety of strategies and techniques that help parents and educators support children who are dysregulated and out of control, learn how to address the challenges with in the home family or classroom that actually work, contact Julie Romanowski to schedule a call to discuss your current situation in greater detail.


1:1 Individual Coaching Sessions

Offering 1:1 sessions that can be used on their own or in combination with each other as well as programs, courses and webinars. It's mostly me talking and you taking notes.

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coaching programs are a great way to get a crash course in a particular area relating to children's behaviour such as expectations boundaries discipline and tantrums, a coaching program consists of several one on one scheduled calls to go over detailed information pertaining to your current situation, the program will be customized to suit you and your family's needs and help you deal with your child's specific behaviour and developmental needs.


1:1 Coaching Programs

A structured outline of learning that includes 1:1 sessions as well as a visual workbook. Many more programs are being designed and will be on their way in 2024!

View all PROGRAMS here
the training course has been designed to include all 3 programs offered by Julie Romanowski an Early Childhood Consultant specializing in children's behaviour and discipline, training courses for parents acts as a course that you can learn in your own time in the comfort of your home, these live sessions help guide you as to what is going on as well as what to do when a challenge presents itself giving parents the know-how on what exactly to do with their child's behaviour outbursts, the structure of this style of learning helps parents understand the info in a simplified way and then emphasizes the practical strategies to achieve success.


1:1 Training Course

This training course consists of three programs combined together (CE+B, TS+A, GC+D) to provide a structured outline in a shorter amount of time. Included are 9 one-hour sessions as well as a training manual. 

we offer many resources that are free to parents teachers educators and caregivers who live or work with children of all ages, blogs articles news clips emails campaigns  and guided meditations are available for anyone looking for free resources to help support their role with children, more resources with be added such as a podcasts ebooks and journals.



Take a look at the wide variety of resources available to parents, family members, teachers, educators and caregivers. There are new resources been added often. 

View all Resources here
We offer services that include observations assessments and meetings for parents and educators to help them get started on knowing what is needed or support on continuing with a plan of action, observations and assessments can be done in the home or in the classroom of a childcare center or elementary school, meetings may include family meetings staff meetings or school support meetings such as Individual Education Plans,


Professional Services

Professional services such as observations, assessments, team meetings or professional development workshops with family members, school staff or medical teams.

View all of them here
group classes is a new service that has been added to the lineup that offers group learning at a lower cost to participants, it is a great way to improve your knowledge and practical skills with the host Julie Romanowski that will teach the techniques needed to assist you in your challenging situations with children, these live in-person sessions are online and consist of small groups with like-minded individuals who want to learn on a regular basis to improve their parenting or teaching skills with children of all ages.


Group Classes 

These classes will be scheduled times that a group meets together live! Using a teamwork mentality, we will learn and grow together. We will all have opportunities to share and discuss.

View all Group Classes here
By offering recorded webinars we are able to reach people globally to offer a variety of topics pertaining to child development and children's behaviour, the lecture style presentations will include visuals content tips and handouts that you can participate in in the comfort of your own home at any time, these low cost service options allows anyone to access the necessary information required to help children grow and develop in the most effective and positive way possible, recorded webinars are an easy solution to parents teachers and educators seeking more information on challenging behaviours such as aggression defiance listening disrespect and violence.


Recorded Webinars

These are pre-recorded videos of program topics. They include visuals, a handout and lecture-style speaking format. The webinars are easy to follow and you can start and stop at any time right in the comfort of your own home or office.

View all Webinars here
online learning courses are similar to training courses however these are pre-recorded instead of live with Julie Romanowski, the online learning courses are a great way to achieve so many skills in your own time and pace right in the comfort of your own home, schedule your time how you want to learn in this course that is online and simple to use, effective and practical information and strategies to help parents who are struggling with their kids behaviour, knowledge around toddler tantrums and defiance as well as how to improve better listening from kids are big topics that we cover.


Online Learning Courses

Courses are filled with content and lessons that you get to learn at your own pace. It is individually guided and you can start and stop at any time right in the comfort of your own home or office.


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