Guiding, Caring + Discipline Program

Work With, Not Against



When a child causes hurt, we’ve got to do something but what is the most effective thing to do with out making the situation worse or potentially damaging the child? Disciplining a child has become such a taboo topic these days and many people have found that the common disciplinary techniques such as timeouts, punishments and consequences don’t even work anymore. In this program, we will discuss exactly WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, WHY and HOW to do it all while maintaining the connection and promoting self-regulation. Become informed of which techniques are most effective and which are not. When strategies are clarified, we become more comfortable and confident in our approach. It's important that everyone involved is as successful as possible no matter if it’s at home, in the community or in the childcare/school setting. Suitable for parents, educators, teachers and caregivers.



You want to learn an effective and gentle way to communicate with children that actually works when they cause hurt to others, to themselves or to the environment. This information is suitable for those with their own children or who work and interact with children of all ages and abilities.



This is original content that is safe and practical with effective techniques and strategies that can create a positive impact within your interactions with children. Certificates are also available for those who require them.

This program includes 3, one hour sessions of 1:1 time with Julie Romanowski as well as a work booklet containing visuals, notes and information discussed in the program. Session break-down and descriptions below.


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One-on-One Live Program

$600 / 3 hours

sessions are done separately 3 times

  • want to speak directly with Julie Romanowski over the phone or zoom.
  • want a more customized approach rather than just a general overview.
  • practical, specific help + strategies to create positive results.
  • you're ready to do the work required of you for the positive changes you are seeking.
  • want the option of participating in the program solo or with your parenting partner.
  • opportunity for follow up appointments in the future.
Purchase Here

Interested in a Payment Plan?

There is also an option to divide the payment into 3 easy payments.

Payment Plan

Frequently Asked Questions


Have Any Additional Questions?

If you're still not sure what program to choose or which service option, give me a call and we can discuss together.

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