Guided Mediations


There is a wide variety of topics that I cover to help encourage a deeper meaning and experience for those who participate. 

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner to meditation or seasoned veteran, these guided meditations are suitable for all ages and abilities.


Letting Go

 (approx: 10 minutes)

Letting go of the control and outcome is very hard to do sometimes. We need to be at the helm of our lives in order to exist but when it doesn't stop, it can come at a high cost of stress and overwhelm. 

This guided meditation highlights key points to make the practice of 'letting go' of the negativity, more achievable.

The 'Letting Go' meditation would be ideal for those feeling frustrated in their current situation and perhaps having less patience for others.


Listening to Ourselves

 (approx: 15 minutes)

The opposite of rushing around is being still. When we prioritize being still on a regular basis - with out any other agenda, it can help us tune in better to our authentic self and our hearts message.

The focus of this guided meditation highlights the process and some benefits of practicing STILLNESS. There will be an opportunity in the meditation for a 5 minute period of stillness so that you can practice being still and getting more comfortable with this way of being.

The 'Listening to Ourselves' meditation would be ideal for those feeling disconnected from themselves or dysregulated often.


Encouraging Balance

 (approx: 6 minutes)

Feeling balanced seems like a difficult goal to reach these days. Balance is a delicate dance between holding on and letting go as well as accepting the good along with the bad moments.

In this meditation, there will be ways to promote balance in your every day life and highlight the role of acceptance.

The 'Encouraging Balance' meditation is ideal for those who may feel dull or stuck and may be needing some inspiration or a spark of motivation.


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